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Instant Estimate

Shine Property - Instant Estimate.jpg

Instant Appraisals are a great prospecting tool you can use to add Owners and prospective sellers to your database. Users can quickly find out what the estimated value of their property is once they complete the form, using data from Pricefinder to provide the estimate.


When the User completes the form, the agent is sent an email with the leads details.

You can find the URL for the Instant Appraisals by logging into the CRM and going to Set Up → Landing Pages or by clicking here


The URL can be used in the following ways to generate leads:

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Google Marketing

  • Letter box drops - add a QR code to the flyers

  • Open Homes - Leave a brochure with a QR code on the kitchen counter top

  • Email Marketing - Use the Instant Appraisal block when creating an email campaign

  • SMS - Include the link in a blast SMS

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